What is it?

Skid resistance is an important property relating to the safety of highway users, particularly in damp or wet conditions. Over the course of a road's life, the surface can lose some of its characteristics associated with grip. Effective highway network maintenance includes monitoring the road surface's skid resistance systematically and taking a proactive approach so that the skid resistance across the network is maintained to an appropriate standard. At XAIS-PTS, we utilise the latest industry-standard techniques and technologies to collect the data our clients need to make informed decisions on the highways they are responsible for.

Data Analysis and Reporting

The raw data collected using SCRIM® is analysed via a suite of specialised computer programmes before it can provide useful information to our clients. The final output will be the calculation and reporting of the sideway-force coefficient (SFC).

Once the SFC data has been collected we are able to deliver a mean result of three test runs spread evenly throughout the testing season. This enables us to present a satisfactory datum, also known as the Mean Summer SCRIM® Coefficient (MSSC). Alternatively, we can test three different seasons over three years to achieve a Characteristic SCRIM® Coefficient (CSC).

Sideway Force Coefficient Routine Investigative Machine (SCRIM) With Workers

Why do it?

The SCRIM® road survey helps measure the wet skidding resistance of a road surface allowing for reduced accident rates. This machine uses the sideway force principle to measure skid resistance. A freely rotating wheel fitted with a smooth rubber tyre, mounted mid-machine in line with the nearside wheel track and angled at 20° to the direction of travel of the vehicle, is applied to the road surface under a known vertical load. A controlled flow of water wets the road surface immediately in front of the test wheel so that, when the vehicle moves forward, the test wheel slides in the forward direction along the surface.


XAIS-PTS owns and operates four SCRIM® vehicles currently. We complete surveys for Highways England to test motorways, major A roads and local authority networks, these equate to 17,000 km’s of lanes annually. The smallest of the four SCRIM® is used on urban networks and narrow urban roads. All route planning and analysis is carried out by our in-house pavement engineering consultancy team. XAIS-PTS also use a cloud-based software tool to view data, which allows it to be viewed within days rather than months after collection. Being able to see the data so soon after collection will allow potential sites that are deficient to be identified much sooner, therefore improving road safety.


Complimentary Services

XAIS-PTS's current customers include Highways England, Highway Authorities, Contractors, DBFO Companies and Airport operators. We utilise innovative, fully compliant survey methods to deliver the following surveys: Coring, Coring for Tar Testing, 3D-GPR, Visual Surveys, SCANNER, Deflectograph, FWD, Grip Tester, Safety Barrier inspections, Retro-Reflectivity of Road Marking and Traffic Signs, Construction Materials Testing and Certification.

SCRIM® is a registered trademark of W.D.M Limited.