What is it?

Detailed Visual Inspections were developed at industry-level to provide a comprehensive, walked inspection of paved assets to support and validate maintenance scheme development and prioritisation.

These accredited assessments involve the collection of highly detailed inventory and condition data. With an extensive catalogue of material types with associated defects developed for the assessment, DVI has been designed to support detailed engineering decisions. Example defects recorded with associated extents (sq. m) include cracking, fretting, defective flags, faulting, and many more.

To guarantee the quality and UKPMS compliance of our data, we utilise accredited data collection software, calibrated equipment, and the most experienced UKPMS accredited DVI inspectors.

A worker undertaking a detailed visual inspection survey

Benefits and Versatility

  • Highly detailed assessment of both condition and inventory
  • Safe survey procedure with minimal disruption to road users
  • Industry-accredited and auditable data trail, allowing for client scrutiny
  • Assessment can be undertaken on footway, carriageway, or both
  • Defect data provided to support maintenance scheme selection and treatment identification
  • Utilises pavement engineering expertise in condition assessment


XAIS-PTS is unique within the industry in being able to monitor and report on the progress of survey activity in near real time using our in-house ReGen software. The system affords clients 24-hour access, allowing data validation, analysis, and delivery to be done seamlessly. Clients can also view network conditions using an intuitive Red-Amber-Green styling to provide valuable condition information in rapid timescales.

XAIS-PTS has a highly knowledgeable and experienced team that delivers DVI in accordance with industry standards.


Why do it?

DVI data is the most comprehensive, industry-accredited data available and a variety of data applications exist to support Asset Managers and Highways Engineers. The defect data collated can be utilised to drive maintenance scheme identification and prioritisation, inform asset valuations and Whole of Government Account submissions, provide detailed defect and condition analysis and mapping, and the data is also highly important for the forward projection modelling of surface and structural condition.