What is it?
Road markings are a critical element of our pavement network. Because they are located directly within the driver’s cone of vision, they are positioned to provide continuous information that helps the driver to correctly position the vehicle on the carriageway.
The way road markings are inspected has changed. All longitudinal road markings must be inspected annually using a High-Speed Monitor (HSM), and junction markings must be assessed by handheld devices to determine their retro-reflectivity and wear.
The purpose of these surveys is twofold: one, to determine when the delivery of safety is compromised, and two, to evaluate the overall condition of a network so that a forward programme of replacement can be established. This will ensure that all markings are maintained to a consistent and satisfactory level and that value for money is achieved.
XAIS-PTS can also conduct an inventory check to ensure all markings and studs conform to the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (TSRGD).
All our surveys are carried out to TD 26 and conform to the current British/European Standard BS EN 1436.
High-Speed Monitor
XAIS-PTS uses a Laserlux system, one of only two systems available for use on the UK trunk road network. It has undergone and completed correlation trials with TRL.
Using Laserlux high-speed retro-reflectivity PTS can offer the following package:
- Data collection at variable speeds up to 70mph
- Video capture – the measurement of the retro-reflectivity is inset on a video of the survey
- Data collected with GPS allows the results to be plotted on a map background using GIS software
- A surveillance camera ensures the vehicle is always positioned correctly
- A forward renewal programme of between 1 to 10 years

We offer services to test road markings such as give way lines at junctions, chevrons, and areas not accessible with the High-Speed Retro-Reflectometer using handheld devices to assess their retro-reflectivity and wear.
Combining HSM (High Speed Retro) with handheld retro-reflectivity is twofold, one to determine when the deterioration is such that delivery of safety benefits is compromised, and two, to evaluate their overall condition so that a forward programme of replacement can be established. This will ensure that all markings are maintained to a consistent and satisfactory level and value for money is achieved.

Road Signs
Retro-Reflectivity plays a vital role when it comes to helping drivers follow road markings clearly in the dark as Patrick Smith reports.
Retro-reflectivity can measure the total amount of light a driver receives from a sign or marking. The Reflectiveness of the sign or marking is directly proportional to the amount of light energy that is directed back towards your eyes.