XAIS-PTS have nine dedicated coring crews equipped with Xcalibre Neptune high mast trailer mounted coring rigs.
The rigs can drill to one meter in depth through bituminous and cementitious layers with core barrel diameters of 100, 150 and 200 mm available to cater for all testing and logging requirements (300 mm possible by special arrangement). The rigs are fully self-contained with their own water supply and power hydraulic hammers/breakers for necessary reinstatement (weather, closure and material conditions permitting). Core locations are recorded using Marker Post and/or Chart Sections and the latest GPS techniques.

Coring Rig in use
Once drilled the cores are returned to the Pavement Laboratory at Preston, where they are logged using our own in-house test method along with a purpose designed database and software that complements any data obtained by Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). These in-house methods take the methodology set out in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Volume 7, Part 3, Section 3, HD30/99 “Annex A Test Methods at investigation sites” and add additional treatment and detail to improve the quality of information provided in the core logs, taking the traditional core logging methods to the next level. The core log reports can include UKPMS layer codes at the client’s request.

What else do we offer?
XAIS-PTS current customers include Highways England, Highway Authorities, Contractors, DBFO Companies and Airport operators in which we utilise innovative, fully compliant survey methods to deliver the following surveys: coring, coring for tar testing, GPR, SCRIM®, Deflectograph, FWD, Grip-tester, automated visual condition surveys, safety barrier inspections, Retro-reflectivity of road markings and traffic signs, construction materials testing and certification.