360 Footpath Condition Survey

XAIS-PTS Infrastructure Vision (iV) is transforming the way local authorities collect, store, and analyse the condition of carriageways. Now, XAIS-PTS is bringing the same AI-powered benefits to pavements and footways, supporting improved decision-making in key areas such as treatment selection, scheme creation, accessibility, Healthy Streets®, and cycle routes.

By combining high-definition photographic imagery, LiDAR, and 3D mapping technology with leading asset management software, XAIS-PTS iV is helping to make infrastructure monitoring, auditing, planning, and maintenance more dependable, sustainable, and cost-effective.

lidar pavement survey

How We Carry Out 360 Footway Surveys

To collect detailed and accurate data on the condition of footways, XAIS-PTS iV imaging and mapping technology is incorporated into a battery-powered mobility scooter.

As with carriageway surveys, the scooter travels across the network using a GNSS / INS system and 360° panoramic camera to continuously record high-definition panoramic imagery, orthophotos, and GPS data - capturing asset and condition data in unrivalled detail. This data is then processed using cutting-edge AI to detect, measure, and highlight defects.

Once analysis is complete, the data is uploaded and accessible via our XA© Asset Management Platform. Findings from the LiDAR footpath survey will be ready for use, where users can review defects, measure distances and patches, or examine photography to identify any issues that may need to be resolved.

Benefits of a 360 Video Footpath Survey

When combined with the XA© Asset Management Platform, our 360 footway surveys deliver numerous key benefits. By enabling users to manage their high-quality, precise imagery and asset data at the desk – operational efficiency is maximised, and engineer site visits are kept to a minimum.

  • Completely mobile
  • Boosts efficiency
  • Unrivalled accuracy
  • Automatic data analysis
  • Reduces carbon footprint
  • Informs decision-making processes

XAIS-PTS is also set to introduce purpose-built batteries  with online condition monitoring for its mobility scooters. This means they can be recharged using 100% renewable energy and replaced at the optimum time.

360 Footway: Robust, Reliable & Innovative

Following successful trials, XAIS-PTS iV video footpath survey technology is now in use across multiple local authority networks. Through optimised data quality, reporting, planning, and asset management capabilities, 360 Footway supports local authorities with analysis and understanding of three key areas: accessibility, Healthy Streets®, and cycle routes.


XAIS-PTS helps local authorities obtain a first-hand picture of how their network is performing against key accessibility metrics, delivering clear visual evidence of any areas requiring immediate attention to ensure that routes are accessible by all.

With the use of our mobility scooter fleet, video pavement surveys will highlight the locations which are difficult or impossible to navigate. Images are captured from a potential user’s perspective to underline the significance of the problem area and support decision-making for effective remedial works. This could include:

  • Widening footways
  • Trimming back overgrown vegetation
  • Implementing footway treatments
  • Improving street lighting
  • Removal of steps and other width restrictions for accessibility

Healthy Streets® Design Check

Healthy Streets® is a human-centred framework for creating more fair, sustainable, and attractive spaces for the public. It is based on 10 Healthy Streets Indicators covering how people feel when using streets. They aim to ensure the environment is consistently safe, healthy, pleasant, and accessible.

The Healthy Streets Design Check tool is used to assess how well any existing streets and proposed development sites are prioritising the Healthy Streets Indicators. It measures features such as footway quality and width, cycle space quality and switch, street lighting, and trees.

Following a 360 video footpath survey, local authorities can access a wealth of detailed information to ensure the Healthy Streets Design Check is completed accurately and with evidence to validate scoring decisions. With XAIS-PTS, authorities are ideally positioned to verify requirements and specifications for future street designs.

Cycle Routes

By 2040, the government aims to make walking and cycling the natural choice for shorter journeys. Consequently, local authorities are keen to understand as much as they can about the condition, safety, and suitability of cycle routes.

Local authorities can use our XA© Asset Management Platform to generate a cyclist’s view of any cycle route in their network. The service allows the user to upload photographs, images, and measurements to produce a clear picture of present issues and support the creation of new schemes.

If you have any queries or requests for surveys to support these areas, then please contact the team and we will be happy to assist you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of 360 video footpath surveys?

360 footway surveys are an important part of maintaining urban areas for the public to enjoy and access safely. LiDAR footpath surveys alert responsible authorities of pavement and cycle route conditions and defects, initiating the implementation of appropriate remedial action.

How accurate is a LiDAR survey?

Depending on the type of LiDAR, LiDAR scanners can achieve a range accuracy of 0.5 to 10mm and a mapping accuracy of up to 2cm vertical (z) and 1cm horizontal (x, y). They can also achieve a much denser point cloud representation in a shorter period, reducing the likelihood of errors and thus increasing accuracy.