We are pleased to announce that our Multi-Functional Vehicle (MFV) is UKPMS accredited to deliver SCANNER surveys, in line with the latest industry standards and TRL’s auditing regime.
Our latest SCANNER vehicle utilises the industry-leading LCMS-2 system, which allows for automatic defect detection to be achieved through a combination of 3D laser scanning technology supplemented with image based “AI” which brings together the best technology available on the market.
The system also overcomes the limitations of more traditional SCANNER systems currently in operation around the UK with the crack detection technology now even more advanced than the human eye, guaranteeing data consistency year on year!
We also offer several added-value data parameters via a web-hosted data viewer including: rut shape, crack width and depth, standing water depth, pothole volume, longitudinal construction joint condition, ravelling development indicator, stone loss, and localised deformation.
For more information on the SCANNER Service take a look here